Dr. Agatha Caraballo '02, Ph.D. '12, a teaching professor in the Department of Public Policy and Administration, recently made a planned gift to FIU to establish a memorial scholarship in honor of her late friend, Dr. Donna Comrie Ph.D. ‘13, a fellow FIU alumna and popular adjunct faculty member.
Dr. Donna Comrie was an educator, entrepreneur, mentor and friend. A fierce advocate for underrepresented children and champion for access to education, she dedicated her career as a school principal to serving kids’ needs. She also launched Comrie Consulting to support the performance and financial needs of schools and nonprofit organizations; and she later founded MathTech 360, an online instructional program that works with individual learning styles to help minority children succeed in mathematics.
Dr. Caraballo's gift created the Dr. Donna Comrie Memorial Scholarship Endowment, which will support non-traditional students, such as single parents and lifelong learners, with demonstrated experience in or a commitment to working with the African Diaspora and/or who have demonstrated interest in women’s rights and issues.
The first Dr. Donna Comrie Memorial Scholarship awards will be granted in this academic year, and fundraising efforts will continue to grow the endowment and provide future awards. Dr. Caraballo encourages friends, fellow colleagues, and others whom Dr. Comrie inspired during her lifetime to make a gift to support the scholarship.
If you are interested in making a gift to the Dr. Donna Comrie Memorial Scholarship, please donate via the form below.